Dragons of Ljubljana
Since the Middle Ages, dragons have emerged as patrons of cities and temples from Asia and Europe all the way to America. You can see dragons all over the city of Ljubljana, on license plates, buildings and of course, on the magnificent Dragon Bridge. It is also on the flag and coat of arms of the city, and many city sports teams have named their teams according to this Ljubljana trademark, which symbolizes courage and power. It is also mentioned in many folk tales and songs. You must be wondering how this magnificent being has become a symbol of this beautiful city. Sit back in your comfy chair and let us take you to mysterious history of Ljubljana’s dragons.
The origins of Ljubljana dragon can be traced all the way back to the legend of Jason and the Argonauts. Jason (a Greek hero) stole the Golden Fleece from the king of the Black sea. Jason and the Argonauts fled to the mouth of the river Danube, instead to the Aegean Sea. They soon reached the Ljubljanica river and as it was winter when they arrived, and they decided to camp near the spring of the river. Near Ljubljana, they came across a large lake and a marsh where a swamp monster lived. On that cold winter’s day, they heard a terrible shrieking and saw the shadow of a giant flying beast rise from the waters next to their new home. Spitting fire and noxious fumes over their wooden houses, the monster set half the village on fire, with many of the Argonauts plunging into the icy marsh waters to save themselves. The story says that Jason heroically fought this dragon and finally killed it and became the first citizen of Ljubljana.
When strolling around streets of Ljubljana, make sure to notices many dragons who adorn this lovely city and now when you know a little piece of their history, we are sure they will interest you even more.